Jim, Stacy and Brielle

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Great Thanksgiving Weekend!

We had sooo much fun this past weekend up in good Ol'Hibbing! Jim and I got to have a little break to be able to go out with our friends we haven't seen in a while. Of course, the families were more persistant than we were to leave her there with them! We had a pretty laid back Thanksgiving Day and I actually ended up getting sick in the middle of dinner so I had to lay down and finish my dinner later. :( We didn't have thanksgiving at my mom's house this time, but we are going to do it a totally different weekend. On Friday, all of us (my brother,sister-in-law and my nephew too.) gathered at my mom's to visit and order pizza. I just can't believe how much the two of them look alike now! They were laughing at each other almost all night...it was super cute! Brielle now learned her nickname "bubba"! Thanksgiving day she started to say babababab over and over again! Now she says it everyday even when she's upset she starts crying it like maybe we will understand what she means...it's sad but cute!

I haven't had a lot of spare time to keep up with everything going on around me but I am trying to fit things in slowly. Everyone will just have to be patient for the new posts to come. (sorry)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Busy Week!

Peacefully asleep at 7:00pm!

My first time with my sippie cup!

Me and Jim after the game.

Do I look cute or what?

Wow, we have had a busy couple of weeks, so it has taken me a while to write what's new. I started my new job a week ago and I absolutely love it! The company I work at is really laid back and everyone is very nice. Brielle also started the same day I did and within her first 5 min. there she found a boyfriend. His name is Jacob and he is absolutely gorgeous. They played for quite a long time laughing at each other and he even came up to her and put his mouth to her cheek and started playing with her hair! The next day that she was there, they were intertwining(i don't know if i spelled that right) their legs together and rolling around. Jim had to have a little "daddy speech" with her about boys! Every night that she gets home from daycare, she falls asleep at about 8:15 and stays asleep until about 6 or 7AM. We are so happy to finally get some peacefull sleep!

We also went to the Vikings/Packer game this afternoon and had a blast! We didn't win but it was soooo much more fun to see a game live. I had bought Jim the tickets for his birthday and he was really excited to take time out to really enjoy himself on a weekend for once. Because we were going to the game, my mom came down and watched the little one. It was really nice having her down here to visit and we loved that we got to go out and do something!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Seafood Anyone?

Isn't she the cutest lobster ever?! We really didn't do too much for Halloween but we took Brielle to the Rosedale mall and walked around and shopped. We had tons of people stop and say how beautiful she was and what an adorable costume she had! We even had a family ask if they could take a pic of her in her costume!( I know it sounds strange, but they were really nice)

You are also now talking to the Assistant Teacher at KinderCare Learning Center!! I guess I was a few qualifying credits to be eligible for the Teacher position. Oh well, I can't wait. Brielle and I go in on Monday for our first day. It will be really nice for her to meet other kids and give her a chance to build her social skills. Plus, I will either be in the room with her or in the next room. Jim and I are really excited to get her started in daycare to give her a break from her crazy folks!!