Jim, Stacy and Brielle

Saturday, September 30, 2006

yummy,yummy, naners!!

Brielle experience her first taste of bananas the other day and she kept making the cutest face!! Jim, the babe and I packed up this morning and headed off to the MN zoo. It was a beautiful day and we had a blast. Brielle is so intrigued with large groups of people and was showing off her huge smile to everyone! We were kind of interested to see how she would handle such a long day in a stroller outside but she was an absolute peach!! We also went and drove around and looked at huge houses on Pleasant Lake, trying to guess how much they cost. Yeah, I know it sounds pathetic, but it doesn't hurt to dream!!!

Well this week is packed full of all kinds of stuff. We are going to go to St.Cloud on Wednesday because Jim got chosen from UMD to present at the consortium. He will be presenting the senior project that he had done this past year in order to graduate. Each presenter will get $200 and the winner will get $1000. (Go Jimmy!!) After we are done with all that jazz, it's off to Hib-Town for Beasy's wedding!! It should be and interesting trip because the munchkin will be getting her 4 month vaccinations the day before we leave. The last time she got shots, she was cranky for about a week!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

happy as a clam!!

well i tried to do this post earlier but the pic wouldn't come up so i'll try it again.
on saturday, brielle was entered into a beautiful baby contest and she got 1st runner up. she got a trophy and her fee paid for the state finals in may!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Brielle's Tummy Time

Getting my workout for the day!!!

Well this is kind of a test run to see if I can figure out how to do these kinds of things without Jim's help (he's the computer whiz of the family!) Things are quickly coming together after the big move. Brielle is adjusting just fine to the new place and her new bedroom. She started sleeping in her crib for the first time instead of the bassinette that was in Jim's and my room. She has also been experimenting with the highest pitch screeches known the entire human race. That has been reall pleasant on the ears!!! My family came to visit last weekend and Jim's dad came this weekend so she has been around plenty of visitors the last couple week to share her new talent with. Jim has been very busy with school and I just started my new job at Kiddie Kandids Portrait Studio as a photographer. So far I love it and I really get to use my creative ideas with everything that I do. Another plus is that it is located inside of Babies R'Us so I get to see all the new baby products everyday!!Brielle also got her first hair cut the other day and the stylist was kind of suprised to see all of her hair. She said that most times babies get their hair cut at around 6 mos! I will also be posting some pics fo our new apartment soon. Well I hope that this all works the way that it's supposed to!