Jim, Stacy and Brielle

Saturday, March 31, 2007


Well once again, it's taken me a while to update this thing. Jim's been really busy using the computer for school so my time to do things on it is scarce. About a week ago we traveled up to Hibbing again so that we could see Jim's great nephew's baptism. We didn't have a long time to stay but it was nice just to see everyone for at least a small amount of time. Brielle has also been growing at the speed of light! She has been completely on table foods for almost 2 months! Jim and I were really excited to get past the "baby food" stage :) She had a bit of a rough day at daycare the other day as I had to fill out 2 accident reports. The first time she really hit her cheek hard with a toy bucket and left a pretty nasty shiner and the second time, she got her fingers bit by another child :( To top things off, she got a 102 fever that night. She is back to her normal self and we couldn't be happier!
Jim and I also changed our plans for our wedding by quite a bit. We decided that a traditional wedding would not only cost a fortune, it just wouldn't be "us". So....We are going to Hawaii and getting married on the beach! We understand that not a lot of people will be able to come there but this sounded perfect to us. Because the plans changed, we are planning on getting married this coming January instead. (Hawaii in August just doesn't sound appealing) We hope that people understand and don't feel bad if they can't come, we can always see you at the reception!!!!


Blogger Bradley said...

OK mam. Its time to put some b-day photos of your little cutie up. Or some fun in the sun ones. We need to know what you are up to :)

Any luck reading the Karen Kingsbury books? She's got a new one out!

6:32 AM  

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