Christmas Weekend!

my very handsome nephew!

my pony is just my size

I love bows!
We had a great weekend and Brielle also came home with a few firsts! On Friday before we left for Hibbing, we noticed two teeth poking through her bottom gums! We were so excited because we didn't see them there the day before. (1st #1) We had so much fun being able to see everyone and also get a little time to relax before coming home and hitting the grind again. On Saturday, Jim and I both got to go out and visit with some of our friends and catch up on old times. Unfortunately because I rise out of bed at the weee hours of 6:00am everyday, I couldn't make it as late of a night as I wanted to. (sometimes i feel like i'm 80!) Brielle's first Christmas was pretty eventful too, because we had 4 different places to go! She could have cared less where we were as long as shiney and colorful bows were provided. And as much fun as it was to shop for her and my nephew, we could've saved a lot of money and just gave them bows and tissue paper! On Monday, we visited with my cousin Kara and her family. It was a lot of fun because her daughter is only six weeks older than Brielle. When we left, Kara waved goodbye and Brielle did it back!! Two different times!! ( 1st #2 and as hard as i try to get her to do it again, she just laughs at me!) On our last day home, Brielle was playing in the playpen in front of the mirror in my mom's room and pulled herself up to her knees to see herself better! (1st #3) And last but not least, she is now able to have meats in her diet and she loves them! Chicken seemes to be her favorite, but she still seems satisfied with the others too. (1st #4!) We hope that everyone enjoyed their weekend as well and Happy New Year to you all!